Posted with : Other

An inaugural post

As with any such endeavor, we need an inaugural post to test the system out. Because this is all written in markdown, I need to test out a few basic features.

  1. This is the first point in an ordered list.
  2. This is the second point.
    1. This is a sub-point.
    2. And this is a second.

We can write codeblocks:

import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print main.__doc__


# If I had some data I would make a plot here...

ggplot(dat, aes(x, y)) +

I will need or want to add images to posts (e.g., plots or photos), which means this should work:

_config.yml Hopefully there’s a photo of a monarch butterfly immediately above this.

Oh, and I will need to embed iframes sometimes, including Soundcloud recordings:

And there should be a player above.

Written on March 20, 2016
